Baez studios model digital services

What are model Digitals?

Modeling digitals consist of images that skillfully capture a model’s natural face, physique, and various angles, all without makeup and featuring understat- ed posing. These digitals are a standard requirement when aspiring models submit their portfolios to mod- eling agencies..


One Look — $250

In this 30 min session we will capture the sandard look jeans and a shirt, with various poseses.

The session will include all digtals

Model Digitals in NYC
Model Digitals in studio Session

Two looks — $350

60 min session captureing 1 standard and 1 swimsuit look with variois poses.

The session will include all digitals


Elevate your modeling journey with me. My digital modeling sessions are designed to empower those with little or no prior experience and a strong desire to pursue modeling.

I’ll nurture your growth, unlock your potential, and provide comprehensive camera training. Think of these sessions as a unique blend of personal devel- opment and modeling guidance. Walk in with nerves, and walk out with newfound empowerment and confi- dence. Let’s transform your modeling aspirations into reality.